We are beginning the journey to impliment person centered care in our facility. I plan to document our progress. This project is anticipated to take 6 months to complete. There are several reasons for doing this in long term care:
1. improve resident and responsible party satisfaction
2. improve satff satisfaction and retention
3. improve the facilities bottom line through a better Medicaid rate
The definition of person centered care is basically providing care and services to a nursing home resident in a maner that takes into consideration their values and choices.
Nursing homes currently practice a medical model that is based on routines and treatments and a plan develoiped by the facility for what is best for the resident.
As well as the Person Centered Care the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have expanded the quality program to include 20 areas that are for the most part the same as the Person Cenetered care goals. Facilities Medicaid rate will be increased by over $16.00 for achieving 5 of these goals.
The Area Agency on Aging has chosen 10 facilities in Sounthern Ohio to be a part of their Person Centered Care program. They are providing education and assigning an ombudsman to the facility for support.
Step One:
Some of the members of our team leadrs went to a Person Centered care Meeting at the Portsmouth Area Agency on Aging office and recieved the beginning education and were assigned our Ombudsman leader. We were given the assignment to choose 2 goals and read a book they passed out on Person Centered Care.
Step Two:
The entire team was educated on what Person Centered Care is and given the list of goals and asked to choose the top 5 they would like to impliment.We decided to call the department managers the team leaders and to have captains from each department to be a part of the development team for Person Centered Care.
Step Three:
Reviewed the definition and goals of Person Centered Care with all staff and asked them to choose the top 5 areas theywould like to work on. Team captains were choosen as well. We chose one person from each department and additional nursing staff from each shift.