Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pre School Programs and Nursing Homes

I saw a wonderful video today about a nursing home that had a pre school program in the facility. The video showed the interaction between the children and the residents. One of the scenes involved a resident and child that was trying to put on her coat to go home.They were both having trouble and the resident told the child "I can't even do it". They touched, held hands and helped each other. It was absolutely heart warming. This is something I think all nursing homes should look into. Intergenerational programs are so wonderful. When my children were growing up they spent a lot of time in nursing homes. They did their trick or treating in nursing homes as well as Easter and Christmas programs. So many children do not get to have grandparents in their lives and the residents miss their children and grand children. Providing this type of program could only be a win win situation.