Saturday, January 10, 2015

Running An Effective Meeting

Overall effective meeting management can be accomplished when the project manager understands and is capable of effectively executing the following steps:
  1. Properly Prepare for the Meeting
  2. Select an Appropriate Location
  3. Provide Food and Drink
  4. Provide Necessary Materials
  5. Establish Working Knowledge of Meeting Topic, Objectives, and Content
  6. Keep the Meeting Less than an Hour
  7. Ensure Everyone Gets and Completes Any Pre-Meeting Task
  8. Help the Group Establish Ground Rules
  9. Conduct Individual Introductions at Start of Meeting
  10. Generate and Disseminate an Agenda Prior to the Meeting
  11. Guide the Discussion without Forcing the Direction
  12. Close the Meeting with a call for any Remaining Topics that need to be Addressed
  13. Follow-Up the Meeting with Meeting Minutes that Include Action Items with Agreed Upon Deadlines
Borrowed From Effective Meeting Management by Mr. Stacey King MBA

Friday, January 9, 2015


I went to the Activity Directors office to talk to her one afternoon. Her office is in the activity room and is an opened space. I sat with my back to the room talking to her. She got up and walked out and I picked up an Avon book to look at. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man come up and get something out of the coat on the back of my chair. I thought it was my maintenance man who I have known for a long time and like to tease. I said "are you trying to touch me" and when he said "no" I knew I was busted. The voice was not who I thought it was. I turned around and it was someone else. The Activity Director was standing there laughing and I quickly said I'm sorry I thought you were someone else and hurried out of the room.