Monday, May 24, 2010


I do not understand why people cannot just come to work when they are scheduled. Today I already had 1 hole in the schedule for a nursing assistant and I had 3 additional call offs,1 nurse and 2 other NA's.That is 28% of the daily nursing staff.I do understand that people and their families get sick and I don't expect people to work when they are. What I do expect is communicating that you will need to be off so that schedules can be covered and for staff to schedule appointments when they are scheduled off. I had one person call and tell me they couldn't come because their car was being worked on. I told that person to try and find a ride and to call me if they could not come in. Of course they did not come in or call and will propably try to say they thought they were to call if they could come in. Well what ever. I tried to call that person 4 times and left 2 messages on their cell phone. Don't tell me they didn't get the message. Another problem is not having correct phone numbers or answering calls or not returning calls. I don't know what the answer is I just know I am tired and frustrated with all the stress that this causes.

If people would only follow the rules set up there would be no staffing issues
1. put in requests timely
2. schedule appointments when off unless it is an emergency
3. call in in advance at least 2 hours
4. call back when called to let someone know that you can or can't work
5. don't tell your employer maybe you can work say yes or know
6. if you need time off ask someone to trade

I feel that these few rules for working will make the work place better for everyone.

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